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    Kid K

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Paid - €0.59
Company: Bayer
Published under: Langland advertising design and marketing ltd at United Kingdom
Device: iPhone
Condition: Hemophilia
Category: Games
Current Version: 1.1
Size: 5.9 MB
Langauge: English
Created: 03-04-2010
Developer: Langland advertising design and marketing ltd
Country: United Kingdom
Requirements: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch and iPad. Requires iOS 3.0 or later.
3 Ratings
Total Downloads: 93
The Kid K Keepy Uppies game was created to help people with haemophilia.The game� Featuring Kid K, a character designed to represent all the things that kids with haemophilia can do, rather than the things they can't, Keepy Uppies is highly addictive.How to play Keepy UppiesSimply keep Kid K's football in the air by making him hit it with his head, chest, knees or feet. You get two minutes ...more

Kid K

Kid K

Kid K

Kid K

Customer Reviews

Great footy game 
Just quickly downloaded this the other day and have been playing it ever since, it's quick, easy and Fun!!!!!!
Cool game, great graphics 
Fun game with an important message

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