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    FluMania for iPhone

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Published under: sanofi-aventis groupe at United States
Device: iPhone
Condition: Flu
Category: Games
Current Version: 3.0.2
Size: 271 MB
Langauge: English
Created: 03-14-2016
Updated: 12-21-2018
Country: Thailand, United States
Requirements: Requires iOS 6.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.
0 Ratings
Total Downloads: 31
Play and learn with this new educational game created by Sanofi Pasteur in order to prevent the spread of the flu virus. In this game you will protect people against the influenza by vaccinating them.Don’t hesitate to ask your health care provider for more information on flu vaccination.*PARTICIPATE IN A STRATEGIC VACCINATION CAMPAIGN: -Your mission: immunizing the maximum amount of people with ...more

FluMania for iPhone

FluMania for iPhone

FluMania for iPhone

FluMania for iPhone

FluMania for iPhone

Customer Reviews

Fun game, but ultimately unrewarding 
I picked up this game yesterday and got a code from my local Walmart. It plays very similarly to Candy Crush/Bejeweled. The levels are too easy though, and the questions repeat themselves frequently. I was a little disappointed by the end screen after beating the final stage telling me that *spoiler alert* I am now a flu ambassador and they are counting on me to spread the word. It'll be a little difficult for me to bring up flu facts in casual conversation, but I'll do my best. I was hoping for beating the game they would reward you with a free flu shot (or at least a discount) but unfortunately that was not the case. Perhaps if I go back and get a 3-star rank on all the levels they will reward me with that, but I'm not holding my breath about it. Anyway, if you're bored and want to pick up a good time killer and learn some flu facts, then this game is worth downloading.
Fun game and I'm learning a lot
Very educational! 
The game is great! It contains none of the glitches or grammatical errors that you find in a lot of games! It's also very educational and fun! As a NHA certified pharmacy technician registered with the state of Minnesota, I really wish this game could somehow count toward my CE! 😂
Fun and educational 
This is a fun way to learn about how to stay healthy during flu season.
Fantastic Game! 
My friend found a ton of pamphlets on the side of the street and started passing them around, lo and behold it turned out they were advertising this wonderful and educational game. Perfect for leisure play while also being educational unlike other games.
Good way to engage patients! 
Hoping this will increase flu education across the board.
Absolutely ridiculous 
Is this for real? The ONLY time anyone in my family got the flu was when we got the stupid vaccine! This is just one more thing to add to all the lies that the government, the CDC, big Pharma & all those pushing vaccines on tiny humans with undeveloped immune systems! WAKE UP! Educate before you vaccinate! Half of our children were damaged by vaccines! Do research before blindly allowing toxins to be pumped into your & your kids bodies. Did you know that vaccines companies aren't held liable for complications or deaths due to vaccines? They are the ONLY entity immune from lawsuits against them! You should be asking why? Vaccines are not 100% effective! It's better to contract chicken pox or measles naturally than to have to continually get booster shots that aren't effective! Please stop believing in herd immunity! It's not real! It's a gimmick made up to scare ppl into getting vaccinated. Bill Gates wants you to vaccinate, why? Population control! Look up Paul Offit, see what he says about vaccines, he has referred to himself as the anti-Christ, he is pro-vax! We aren't anti-vax, we believe in being unvaxed! We believe in healthy clan immune systems and allowing ourselves to contract things naturally so that we have a natural immunity to them! The internet, media, and pro-vax pushers have distorted the whole vaccine issue. They were originally created to health, now they are maiming and killing ppl. The first vaccines were created by directly applying a small amount of the virus to an uninflected person - this is natural, vaccines are not. Many are full of the 2nd most deadly substance on earth, as well as other extremely harmful chemicals! The flu shot is an unnecessary medical treatment! RESEARCH RESEARCH RESEARCH!
It teaches people all over the world that you should get vaccinated.
Flu Fun 
Fun. Addictive. Learned something too!
Great game, very addictive and entertaining 
Love it
Thank you for creating a fun educational game about flu. Too many people don't think flu is dangerous or deadly.
Fun fun fun 
Fun with a dash of important information.

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