Deep Brain Stimulation Lead Verification Application for Mobile Devices Lincoln Smith, M.S. (1,2), Nitesh V. Patel, B.A. (1), Shabbar F. Danish, M.D. (1), Eric L. Hargreaves, PhD (1) (1) Division of Neurosurgery, UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, New Brunswick, NJ (2) mHealth Labs LLC, Highland Park, New Jersey Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) often requires replacement of the Neurostimulating Device after several years. Typically, the process of replacement only involves the neurostimulating device itself and the lead wiring remains in place. As a result, there is a risk of Right and Left lead wire switching when implanting the new device. Our application helps to alleviate this risk. This application allows for input of pre-replacement impedance testing results and post-replacement impedance testing results. The application runs a correlation analysis between the two data sets (pre-replacement Right/Left vs. post-replacement Right/Left). As a result, proper identification of right vs. left leads and proper placement into the new neurostimulator is achieved. Furthermore, this method avoids having to run intra-operative therapy trials and risk of unwanted symptoms in the patient, while still identifying proper right vs. left sides. This app requires an institutional subscription. Contact for more info.less