Enter your parameters or parameters of your child and determine how much your weight is normal. If the weight exceeds the norm, the calculator will calculate not only the normal weight, but will schedule targets, the achievement of which will significantly reduce the damage to health.
In one calculator program hidden several mathematical models to determine normal weight: for adults, for children (even for a newborn child), for pregnant women. Use and enjoy!
How to determine the healthy parameters?
To calculate the normal body mass of adults used the body mass index (BMI) formula. In the first half of the XIX century Belgian scientist Adolphe Quetelet observed that the rate of adult body weight is well interpolated by the function BMI = W / H 2 , where the BMI (body mass index) — a variable which is obtained by dividing the weight (W) man on his squared height (H). Moreover, a century later, in 1972, the American scientist Ancel Keys showed that if based only on height and weight man, Quetelet formula predicts well the fat in the human body, and hence the lack of, or excess of normal.
As can be seen from the above, determine your BMI is very easy — divide your weight by height squared.
For example, for 1,80 m and 80 kg BMI = 80/(1,8)2 = 80/3,24 = 24,7.
After BMI calculating, to determine whether the weight is normal or no, you can use the following table.
To facilitate the determination of BMI, we did two special tables: "What is my BMI?" And "How I far away from the ideal weight?". The first table is a comfortable visual text form repeats the pattern from the BMI article from the "Wikipedia". If you can't determine the BMI, simply find the row and column corresponding to your height and weight.
The second table is much more interesting. In it are not BMI values, and right amount of missing or extra pounds, that you have to collect. You can even print it out and hang it on the wall - everyone can look at it and then decide what and how much is wrong with his weight.
For children and pregnant women a universal formula is not found, so the rules are used to determine the so-called "centile tables".
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Remember that calculations based only on numerical parameters of the human body, must be interpreted with caution. If the calculator gives a warning of an abnormality, it does not mean that you urgently need to get on a strict diet, or vice versa, overeat senseless. If a weight problem you have - first of all think about the way of life and the balance of calories consumed and burned. If it comes to children, or during pregnancy - a final conclusion can only give the doctor.less