Country: United Arab Emirates, Angola, Austria view allAustralia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Switzerland, China, Germany, Denmark, Finland, France, United Kingdom, Hungary, Indonesia, Israel, India, Italy, Japan, Kenya, South Korea, Liberia, Luxembourg, Moldova, Nigeria, New Zealand, Oman, Philippines, Russian Federation, Sweden, Singapore, Thailand, Turkey, Trinidad and Tobago, United States, Yemen, South Africa, Zimbabwe
Requirements: Requires iOS 6.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.
Calculates Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy dose. This tool calculates effluent dose of CRRT. 4 modalities of CRRT are included in this tool, CVVHDF, CVVH, CVVHD and SCUF. Users are also able to select for pre and/or post replacement flow and regional citrate anticoagulation flow settings.
Calculates Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy dose. This tool calculates effluent dose of CRRT. 4 modalities of CRRT are included in this tool, CVVHDF, CVVH, CVVHD and SCUF. Users are also able to select for pre and/or post replacement flow and regional citrate anticoagulation flow settings.less