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    Med iLight

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Published under: Braintrapp at United States
Device: Android
Condition: Visioncare
Category: General
Current Version: 1.1.1-prod
Size: 1.6M
Langauge: English
Created: 04-12-2012
Requirements: Requires Android 2.2 and up
0 Ratings
Total Downloads: 28
Syntonics is a branch of optometry associated with the application of selected light frequencies to the eyes. Syntonics has been in use for over 70 years. It has shown benefits for patients with lazy eye, learning issues, autism, brain injury, etc. Med iLight combines the field of syntonics with today’s technologies. Med iLight consists of different programmed light sequences. Each light...more

Med iLight

Med iLight

Med iLight

Med iLight

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