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    Baby Heartbeat Listener

APP Image
Company: Sobi
Published under: Mukesh Kaushik at United States
Device: Android
Condition: Pregnancy
Current Version: Varies with device
Size: Varies with device
Langauge: English
Created: 04-03-2017
Requirements: Requires Android Varies with device
0 Ratings
Total Downloads: 22
Baby heartbeat listener allows pregnant women and dads to listen to, record and share their unborn baby's heartbeat through the abdomen. This application has a fun and non-medical purpose. It requires headphones and works like a stethoscope filtering and amplifying the sound from the microphone before the rebroadcast of the headphones. This application does not work with headset.To use it, turn...more

Baby Heartbeat Listener

Baby Heartbeat Listener

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