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    Sleep Tracker TYLENOL® PM

APP Image
Published under: Tylenol © McNEIL-PPC at United States
Device: iPhone
Condition: Insomnia
Category: General
Current Version: 1.2
Size: 1.1 MB
Langauge: English
Created: 06-25-2012
Developer: Tylenol
Requirements: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 3.0 or later
0 Ratings
Total Downloads: 92
*** When you sleep better, you feel better.*** Use the free TYLENOL® PM Sleep Tracker App on your iPhone or iPod touch to see how beneficial a good night’s sleep can be.FEATURES:- Record your sleep hours and moods.- View your sleep and mood history over time.- Create custom icons with your own photos.- Add notes to create a sleep journal.- Get dozens of helpful sleep tips.***Track Your Sleep...more

Sleep Tracker TYLENOL® PM

Sleep Tracker TYLENOL® PM

Sleep Tracker TYLENOL® PM

Sleep Tracker TYLENOL® PM

Sleep Tracker TYLENOL® PM

Customer Reviews

Useful if you could actually focus on something 
It works great. But it's really hard to click the time you want. You could focus it for ten minutes and it'll just slide off.
Good Start... 
I almost never buy apps and I think the most I've ever paid for one is $.99, but I would be willing to fork out any amount of money for a thorough sleep tracking app! This app is a good start - at least I can easily track the number of hours I sleep each day, but I'm slightly confused about the fact that "sleepy" isn't one of the mood choices! I think the difference between feeling sleepy and alert is the probably the entire reason most of us are using an app like this. Anyway, it would be nice if the app offered: 1) A start/stop button (so I could press start as I'm falling asleep and stop as I'm waking up - it can be hard to remember what time I actually turned the lights out the night before) 2) More "moods" or customizable symptoms 3) Simple trackers for basic daily activities that contribute to the quality of sleep such as caffeine consumption (time is important on that one), exercise, naps, etc... 4) Quality of sleep choices (steady, woke several times, etc) 5) Ease of waking (got right up, hit snooze, etc) Anyway, if I knew how to develop an app I would have created some like this a long time ago. Considering the millions of people that suffer from sleep issues this is a very large market. If any of you brilliant developers create something like this, believe me it would sell. And I would buy it immediately, no matter the price.
Great app!! 
Sleep hours is not significantly related to the mood. But this app is so enjoyable, I like it very very much! Will give 5 stars if it's able to publish my daily mood/sleep-hours on twitter.
Brilliant but... 
A wierd bug occured where on the graph I have two records of the 25th of October. My latest records don't show on the graph for a couple of days. Brilliant app otherwise
I do like this app but some things could be improved: If there was a push notification to tell you to put the data in it would be easier to remember I find it hard to tell how much I've slept without looking at a clock at night, your sleep tips tell me hiding the clock will help me get to sleep There should be a face for tired, that is commonly how I feel and yet it isn't on there so a make your own emotion feature would be great. Thank you and I hope you can sort these out.
Sleep. Xx 
This is Great. I Love It. XxoxX
Annoying noises that won't turn off! 
Not sure what the app itself is like because I could not get past the unnecessary clicking noises that blurted out every time I touched anything. I tried turning the sound off several times but it had no effect.
Needs work 
Would be great if you could actually enter multiple wake up times during the night
It should have "tired" as a mood I think.
Omg thank you whoever made this every one you HAVE TO GET THIS APP!!😃😃
Good but needs more options 
The app is great but it still needs more work. We need more moods. Since I'm lazy what about an automatic hour counter? One way is to let me enter the time before I go to bed and then enter the time I wake up. Or maybe even a timer. The notes is great for keeping a Twitter-like journal.
This is a very good app.. 
...BUT it could be far better add more options.
Just needs a little more... It has useful tips and is a great way to log your sleep to see if you've made improvements and such.
Pretty swell 
i like this app, i'm a log keeper. i just wish it had more emotions and moods available. i'm not always feeling one of only five ways.
Dude this app is soooo stupid 
I hate this app because there is a lot of wrong stuff like "don't sleep with pets"I mean it doesn't make a difference overall stupid 
For all those whinning jack butts out there just a reminder THE FRECKIN THING IS FREE! (idiots)
Not Bad 
I wake up many times at night, this helps track what is going on. Helps you see why I wake up all the time.
Very simplistic. Basically gives you a graph that shows a mood/hrs slept. Don't think you need an app to figure out more sleep equals happier you. It is free but I deleted it.
It's one of my FAVE apps & I use it everysingle day. I keep it one the 1st slide of my iPod. I write a small diary about anything that's happened to me that day (about love, friends, or the things I just did that day) in the Notes part. && it's even better when u have your own face inserted in the mood faces. It helps me remember & see the things that I go thru or happen to me from days or weeks before. It's pointless if you don't make it useful/ make it fun.
Excellent! Helped me identify a sleep pattern 
I never realized I had such a distinct sleep pattern. Once I saw it and how it affected my mood I was able to make the adjustment and now I always sleep well. I discovered 6 hours works best for me.
Well done 
This app is a simple and straight forward way to kepp track of how long you sleep each night and the mood you're in the following day. It looks good--relaxing, even--and funtions well. My one suggestion is that the "make faces" option be more interactive. Let users choose the eyebrows and mouth, THEN name the face. And we should get to ADD TO the existing faces, not just rename them.
Grateful Terri 
Love it. Only wish I could edit previous night or two.
Its reakly good for a free app, but i wish you can make more moods.
At first I thought this was too limiting but over time it has given me great insight. Found out I feel alot better w/less sleep than I thought I needed. Thanks Tylenol!
Good but I wish they added more moods, & a tad more space to write more on my notes.
I can only look at the records, which is empty because I cannot submit anything. It just goes right there, leaving me without instructions or anything to do, and I definitely did not touch anything accidently. Glitch? I hope so.
Tired Option 
there really needs to be a tired "face" that you can choose because i know many kids fall asleep in school (including me!) other than that the app os really good!
Awesome! Could be better. 
Add more expressions. Cute and lovely application overall. I use it everyday. :) Please update it!
More moods 
Should have a tired or groggy face
Good App 
Five stars! I like to write notes in it. There should be a tired face. And it crashes if u do landscape mode while writing a note. So -1 star. But I will definetely change my review if at least one of those things are done. Good app, will not be deleted.
Important feature lacking 
There is nowhere to enter the time one went to sleep or the time one awoke. If there was someplace to enter that, I would like the app.
Love it 
I have been using this for almost a year now and it's fast and easy to to write a note and track the number of hours you splept. Perfect journal to see patterns and triggers that ruin your sleep. Landscape shows a bar graph of your sleep and you can easily move forward and back. Clicking on a "face" reveals your note. My sleeping patterns have improved because of this app!
 Total Greatness  
I love keeping track of how much i sleep!! I keep it right next to my alarm clock app so that I can record my hours when I wake up  It would be nice if there was more emotions (maybe like 100 haha) But overall GREAT!! Thanks, but to tylenol makers: please make your meds taste better!  haha
Neat Ap 
Really nice ap. It does what it says. Would love it to have more faces though. I added my own sleepy face, but wasn't able to change the mood. It still says, not sure. It would be so neat if I could add my own moods and edit their titles. Thanks for an awesome ap!
Nice idea. Needs work 
This app is difficult to use for it's purpose. I love the concept and the picture import, but I'm giving up, after two weeks of trying. Other functions (screen saver) cause you to touch the screen, which creates false readings. You can't go back and retro put in your sleep quantity if you skip a day You can never adjust the fall asleep and wake up times record.
The ability to add moods wood be great. But if not, add Tired and Not Feeling Well. 
It needs a tired face and a sick face. At least a tired face, I mean come on, it is a sleep tracker!
Nice app 
I liked this app, the tips and the journal is neat. I would like to extend the functionality to include extract as excel sheet or dropbox sync. When I format my iPad the apps started from zero and I lost all my data. I really would prefer the excel extract as additional feature
Used to work ok, now buggy 
Used app to track sleep for 8 months with little problem. Since the latest release (Oct 2010) it no longer works. The days don't update and the moods can't be tracked. Needs fix.
Please fix 
Needs more moods 
I'm surprised it does not have a tired mood.
Needs soft music 
It is really gr8 it would be better if it had music and better moods but still a good app... From Milly Higglebottom
Does NOT track 
It's cute. Simple. Easy to use. Just one problem. It does NOT track. Charts don't work.
It's cute. 
It's simple and easy and light. You should ad soft music that'd make it PERFECT. otherwise love the app and tylonal PM. thanks guys!
My star rating times 10000000000 
Cool idea if it worked. New version needed!! New moods and better charts.
Charts don't work. So what is the point.
Would be better if you could log in with your online account
Nice at first! Buuutttt.... 
New update erased all of the hours slept, mood, and descriptions that I had been tracking over quite a few months..... Not cool. Sometimes like, say on tuesday, it will show the screen for Monday, and then won't have an arrow to point to the next day. Sometimes this bug lasts for a few days (longest being 5), and it will still day Monday when it is, for example, Friday. Please fix that! Also, after a few months of tracking, the hours chart stopped adding new entries. Is there a limit to the # of entries that will show???
This is just what I needed to learn how much sleep I need and how too much or not enough sleep really effects me. I've been using it for a week now and will continue to. Love it and recommend it (:
Downloaded. Tried to set my sleep last night for 5 hours. The thing was an absolute spaz and wouldn't let me set the time I wanted. Deleted.
Can't shut sound off! 
I wanted a very simple app to track the number of hours of sleep I get a night. This looked perfect. But it makes a sound with every button you push and every time you turn a dial. I shut the sound off but nothing changes. It still makes noise! I shut it down and opened it again....more noise! Argh!! DELETE!
Please fix! 
Needs to be more flexible with the notes. I want to be able to write EVERYTHING! I don't want to be restricted with the amount if letters they give me. Also needs more faces to describe my emotions. Should also be able to put the time I woke up and go to sleep. Please fix!!!!
Annoying to set the hours 
This is a really good idea. *BUT* it takes like 10 minutes to put in how many hours I slept because the dial in the app flicks too far from the number. For example, if I try to flick the dial 6 hours, then the dial spins over to 8 hours. Then I try to push it back and it goes to 4 hours. This is not spin and win, this is a sleep tracker. Let me type in the number instead.
Bad app from the start 
0 stars. The wheel you use to enter how long you slept doesn't work. Give me a break! Not worth the time it took to download it.
Horrible app! Does not work! 
It is impossible to enter the amount of hours you slept using the wheel they provide. It's basically the wheel of fortune for sleep hours. I guess you should use it before you go to bed to find out how many hours of sleep you have won. Do not download!
Worst app for anything ever 
I mean the thing sucked, it deserves less than one star.
Frustrating & limited 
Really hard to set (the sliders are very sensitive & unstable) & no way to time how many hours slept (you have to know) & the faces are silly (I think it would be great to have an editable list of feelings to choose from) & I could never access the supposed graphs/charts. Deleted. Don't need it taking up space on my device.
Dial works poorly 
This would be a great app if it worked properly, but dials used to record mood and number of hour slept are so "slippery" and a headache to use that I've deleted it. :(

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