myTarceva is a mobile app dedicated for patients who have been prescribed Tarceva medication for the treatment of their Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC). Being compliant to Tarceva medication in spite of possible side effects is crucial to ensure optimal benefit is ultimately gained from treatment. myTarceva provides Tarceva patients with a general overview of Tarceva as well as important do’s and don’ts while being on Tarceva treatment. Other critical information included in this app includes commonly encountered side effects and tips in managing them to minimize severity of Tarceva-related side effects. The contents include: • General Information about Tarceva • How to Take Tarceva • Do’s and Don’ts while being on Tarceva • Managing Common Side Effects of Tarceva This app comes in 3 different languages and a daily reminder (after first setting) for patients to take their medications to achieve optimum care & health outcome. The information found on myTarceva app is not meant to replace the advice of patient’s healthcare team. Ensure that your healthcare team is always consulted first especially regarding your medical condition and treatment. less