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    Glucolog Lite

APP Image
Company: Bayer
Published under: RDA 농촌진흥청 at United States
Device: Android
Condition: Diabetes
Category: HCP Tool
Current Version: 1.2.0
Size: 1.8M
Langauge: English
Created: 12-11-2014
Requirements: Requires Android 4.4 and up
0 Ratings
Total Downloads: 36
GlucoLog Lite is a free Diabetes Diary application that is available whenever you need it, wherever you are. Now you can manage diabetes on-the-move, storing your blood glucose and ß-ketone results and analyzing trends and variations. GlucoLog Lite allows direct transfer of glucose and ketone data from an A. Menarini Diagnostics meter to your smartphone/tablet using GlucoLog B.T. device*.All the ...more

Glucolog Lite

Glucolog Lite

Glucolog Lite

Glucolog Lite

Glucolog Lite

Customer Reviews

Nfc not working properly it doesn't download all tests been done
NFC and app working fine with meter but can't get the results in Samsung Health. The applications are linked but I don't see my results in Health. Anyone an idea how to get this done?
Couldn't even get passed the first page of personal data entry as the field where you log your DOB not working. Not impressed. Gave up!
New update on how to select the time is awful. You can't see the numbers properly to select it on the clock face. It was much better before when you could just enter the time manually.
NFC doesn't seem to work- I work on IT so if the company responds asking if I have tried this and that then YES! I spent an hour trying and NFC works with all my other devices. Quite frankly this is an incredibly poor app that is embarrassing. The company should be ashamed.
Seemed great at first but noticed the nfc doesn't seem to work that well. The worst thing is when it does connect it gives the wrong date. Started off in 2017 2 days later showing 2015. Needs fixing.

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