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    Thyroid App

APP Image
Company: Abbott
Published under: Webpatient.net at United States
Device: Android
Current Version: 1.0.1
Size: 2.9M
Langauge: English
Created: 01-06-2013
Requirements: Requires Android 2.2 and up
0 Ratings
Total Downloads: 20
Patient advocate and best-selling author Mary Shomon transformed her 1995 thyroid diagnosis into a mission to educate and empower millions of people struggling with thyroid conditions. She's authored this app in partnership with MyMedLab to provide a comprehensive service for thyroid sufferers. Here's what Mary Shomon's ThyroidApp will help you do:* Screen yourself (or family) for...more

Thyroid App

Thyroid App

Thyroid App

Thyroid App

Thyroid App

Thyroid App

Customer Reviews

Always shows an error as soon as app is installed.... F......
Just told me I had Internet connection issues twice. Other apps work fine.
Don't get this app All they want you to do is buy their thyroid test. It's a scam
Useless app It's just trying to collect email addresses for the purpose of selling you her books. This is a compete waste of time. If you decide to install it, use a fake email address. It will still give you your results and you won't have to deal with spam emails from her. I'm uninstalling anyway!!
Inaccurate I have a diagnosed - treated thyroid condition. Completed the questionnaire which informed me i was low risk???? EVERY MEMBER OF MY FAMILY HAS A THYROID CONDITION
Just a test? Perhaps I misunderstood what this app was intended for. It simply asks questions about your symptoms them tells you if you could have thyroid issue. Then, it tries to sell you thyroid blood test kit. I was really hoping for info on the disorder along with forums and helpful tips. I'll try again some other time when the app has been updated. Love your newsletter and sites tho!

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