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    Pharma Talk

APP Image
Company: Sanofi
Published under: SenseMe at United States
Device: Android
Condition: Pharma eDetail
Category: HCP Tool
Current Version: Requires Android
Size: Installs 1,000 - 5
Langauge: English
Created: 06-16-2017
Requirements: Requires Android 4.4 and up
3 Ratings
Total Downloads: 6
Translate the description back to Czech Translate Each year visit the Czech and Slovak Republic, more than 8 million foreign tourists. At the moment, however, there are unexpected medical problems, it is often necessary to effectively break the communication barrier between patient and pharmacist.Using Pharma Talk to translate not only the current health problem, but also its intensity...more

Pharma Talk

Pharma Talk

Pharma Talk

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