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    اختبار البصر

APP Image
Company: Teva
Published under: AppQuiz at United States
Device: Android
Condition: Eye Disease
Category: General
Current Version: Requires Android
Size: Installs 10,000 -
Langauge: English
Created: 03-21-2015
Requirements: requires android 4.0.3 and up
0 Ratings
Total Downloads: 31
Eyesight test ikhtibar nadar a new application in the Arabic language is like a game of knowledge and clarity of purpose to the colors of your sight and accuracy measurement accuracy consider and agility.features the application of the eye test :& # 10112; The application is easy to use for the game and the Arabic language.& # 10113; Several stages to measure the accuracy of view.&...more

اختبار البصر

اختبار البصر

اختبار البصر

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