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    GI and glycemic load Lite

APP Image
Company: Teva
Published under: e-audiologia.pl at United States
Device: Android
Condition: Healthy Living
Current Version: Requires Android
Size: Installs 10,000 -
Langauge: English
Created: 12-21-2016
Requirements: Requires Android 2.0 and up
0 Ratings
Total Downloads: 81

This is the Lite version with all the functions. (Limit only the number of foods (5) on your list)The nutritional values of the list are generic values it is recommended if available to detect the values on the packaging.You can save and create your own customized list.In your list you can update the values with those found on the (Food Packaging.) Which may vary according to the...more

GI and glycemic load Lite

GI and glycemic load Lite

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