pocket.md pocket.md

APP Image
Company: Teva
Published under: Figure 1 Inc. at United States
Device: Android
Category: General
Current Version: Requires Android
Size: Installs 10,000 -
Langauge: English
Created: 09-23-2017
Requirements: Requires Android 4.0 and up
3 Ratings
Total Downloads: 346
EMT Trainer (EMTrainer) is designed to offer you immediate access to the knowledge and resources necessary to excel in your emergency medicine program.• Smoke your national written and psychomotor exam with practice quizzes and timeable Skill Sheets• Impulsively diagnose your friends on that 13 hour road trip with dozens of Diseases & Conditions • Amaze your mom with your intricate...more




Customer Reviews

Beautiful App. Recommended it to plenty of my Co-workers and fellow students in my Paramedic class! 👍
Great app. Helps so much and makes the material East to learn.
This app is a life saver! Been studying on both my book and this app and it's extremely helpful.
Very Helpful! I usually don't rate apps but after going through many EMT apps most of them want money or are unhelpful, this app has many real helpful options.
Not sure how current content is. I just finished class Sunday and bleeding control was my random station. New protocol is to apply tourniquet if direct pressure is not working. Never elevate any more. So I chose tourniquet when the question came up about what to do if direct pressure was not working and it said I was wrong and that you should elevate.
Excellent app. This got me through EMT school. Quick and effective reference right in my pocket. I would like to see additional signs and symptoms on diseases, maybe some more information on medications, and better test questions/ test formats. But by no means does that downgrade the app; download this immediately! If you don't have memory on your phone, delete some stuff!!

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