Centricity Radiology Mobile Access (CRMA) helps you support secure, efficient healthcare delivery with true anytime, anywhere access to images and reports from Centricity PACS or Centricity Enterprise Archive (EA). The AccessNOW application supports a broad range of modalities with 2D, 3D, and MIP/MPR capabilities.
CRMA has been cleared by the US FDA for diagnosis, review and analysis. Diagnostic use applies for CT and MR images only, on devices that run iOS 5.x or higher, and when a diagnostic PACS workstation is not available.
The AccessNOW application communicates with a CRMA server that is an optional component of GE Healthcare Centricity PACS. Please contact your local radiology system administrator for availability of a CRMA server at your facility. To request a demonstration or for more information please click the following link: http://www.gehealthcare.com/mobileaccess or contact us at (877) 996-6245 (877-99Mobilehealth). less